Mod 3
What about meeting the needs of diverse learners do you feel most confident about? Less confident? Explain. I'm confident about meeting the needs of most learners, and less confident when it comes to meeting the needs of those with higher needs. That sounds obvious, and as if it were tautological, but I think there are plenty of teachers out there who really feel called to work with students who are most at-risk or struggling... I don't think I'm one of those teachers, and so working with those students is going to be a challenge for me at first. This representation of the MTSS model, taken from a Monterey School District webpage , is a very close analogue for my own confidence level with working with different students. I'm pretty confident about the tier 1, who are the majority, less confident about the tier 2, who are at risk, and most concerned about the handful of individuals with the most need for interventions. Who those students are will vary, of cours...